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GH-1 Pilot Project

On-Site Base Load Energy At Central PA Business Park

The GenHydro Pilot Reactor System

A micro utility technology that can produce clean hydrogen and, when integrated with a steam turbine, emissions-free electricity. The pilot system will demonstrate the capability to provide significant levels of emissions-free energy with an astonishingly small footprint when compared to alternative technologies such as solar.

Waste To Energy On-site Power Generation

GenHydro’s unique ability to harness the stored energy in waste aluminum is a revolution in waste-to-energy systems. The pilot system will be integrated with a waste heat recovery turbine, demonstrating the GenHydro reactor’s capability to produce high-quality heat for the purpose of steam turbine operation and emissions free electricity generation.

Burle Business Park

Lancaster, PA

The GenHydro GH-1 Reactor is going to be installed at Burle Business Park in Lancaster, PA, producing a steady stream of green hydrogen and renewable electricity.


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